POSaBIT Pay API Documentation
The POSaBIT Pay API facilitates secure payment processing for consumers. It supports both BASIC and BEARER authorization schemes, allowing merchants to verify consumers, handle sign-ins, and process payments efficiently.
Supported Authorization Schemes
- Basic Authorization
- Type/Scheme: Basic
- Credentials (Base64 encoded): Base64(ClientId:ClientSecret)
- Bearer Authorization
- Type/Scheme: Bearer
- Credentials: OAuthAccessToken
API Endpoints
Base URLs
- Test Environment: https://tst-api.hypur.com/merchants
- Production Environment: https://api.hypur.com/merchants
Authentication URLs
- Sign In:
- Test Environment: https://tst-api.hypur.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&response_type=code&scope=<SCOPE>&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URI>&state=<STATE>
- Production Environment: https://api.hypur.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&response_type=code&scope=<SCOPE>&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URI>&state=<STATE>
- Sign Up:
- Test Environment: https://test.hypur.com/SignUp
- Production Environment: https://secure.posabit.com/SignUp
API Workflow
- Consumer Verification: Determine if a consumer has a POSaBIT Pay profile and send OTP.
- Consumer Sign-Up: If no profile exists, provide a sign-up link.
- Consumer Sign-In: Obtain OAuth Access Token.
- Consumer Payment: Process payments using an OAuth token and PIN.
API Endpoint Details
Consumer Verification (/consumer/verify)
- Method: POST
- Authorization: BASIC <Base64(ClientId:ClientSecret)>
- Parameters:
"MerchantToken": "<Required, MaxLength(50)>",
"Phone": "<Required, MaxLength(10)>",
"SendSms": false,
"SendOtp": false
Response: Success
"HasProfile": true,
"HasBankAccount": true,
"SmsSent": false,
"Consumer": {
"Id": 123,
"FirstName": "John"
"Success": true,
"RequestId": "abc123",
"Error": null
Response: Error
"Success": false,
"RequestId": "abc123",
"Error": {
"Message": "Invalid request",
"Name": "ValidationError",
"Code": 400
HTTP Status Codes:
- 200 OK: Success
- 400 Bad Request: Error in request
Consumer Sign-In (/consumer/sign-in)
- Method: POST
- Authorization: BASIC <Base64(ClientId:ClientSecret)>
- Parameters:
"MerchantToken": "<Required, MaxLength(50)>",
"Phone": "<Required, MaxLength(10)>",
"OTP": "<Required, MaxLength(4)>",
"OAuthScope": "<Required>"
Response: Success
"OAuthAccessToken": "token123",
"Consumer": {
"Id": 123,
"FirstName": "John"
"Success": true,
"RequestId": "xyz456",
"Error": null
Response: Error
"Success": false,
"RequestId": "xyz456",
"Error": {
"Message": "Invalid OTP",
"Name": "AuthenticationError",
"Code": 400
HTTP Status Codes:
- 200 OK: Success
- 400 Bad Request: Error in request
Consumer Payment (/payments/consumer)
- Method: POST
- Authorization: BEARER <OAuthAccessToken>
- Parameters:
"MerchantToken": "<Required, MaxLength(50)>",
"PIN": "<Required, MaxLength(4)>",
"PurchaseAmount": 100.50,
"ConsumerPaidFeeAmount": 2.50,
"TipAmount": 5.00,
"TipOfferShown": true,
"Note": "Payment for order #12345"
Response: Success
"Id": 789,
"TrackingId": "trk567",
"Success": true,
"RequestId": "def789",
"Error": null
Response: Error
"Success": false,
"RequestId": "def789",
"Error": {
"Message": "Insufficient funds",
"Name": "PaymentError",
"Code": 400
HTTP Status Codes:
- 200 OK: Success
- 400 Bad Request: Error in request