Updating the POSaBIT App for G2 Merchants

This guide shows the steps to update both the POSaBIT App and the Payment App for customers using G2 as their merchant processor

  1. Reboot the device - press and hold the power button, select ‘Restart
  2. Go to ‘Update’ icon - when the device powers back up, select the Update icon from the device home screen

  1. Select the Update arrow
  2. Choose ‘Online Update’ and update any apps that appear
  3. Update any apps that appear on this list
  4. Reboot one more time

How to verify the app has updated properly:

  1. Open the POSaBIT App - Once the device has Rebooted the second time, open the POSaBIT app
  2. ‘Click here to start purchase’
  3. Input your 4-digit cashier PIN
  4. Open the hamburger menu in the top left corner
  5. Version number will be listed at top of this menu in small print. CURRENT APP VERSION IS v658 or greater

***If you’ve performed the above steps and the device is still on a version other that v658 or greater, please reach out to our support team at 855-POSaBIT or support@posabit.com and do not use that device until we can get it updated.

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