Connecting a Merchant's Domain to the POSaBit E-commerce Solution

Connecting a Merchant's Domain to the NEW POSaBIT Online Menu Solution

To connect your domain to the POSaBit e-commerce solution, please follow these steps:

  1. Inform the Implementation Team

Notify the implementation team about the domain you intend to use.

  1. SSL Certificate Creation

POSaBIT will create a new SSL certificate in AWS Certificate Manager.

  1. DNS Records Provision

Once received from POSaBIT's technical team, the Implementation team will provide you with two required DNS records:

  • CNAME Record for SSL Validation: This record is used to validate the SSL certificate.
  • CNAME Record for Routing: This record routes requests to our app endpoint. Note that menu endpoints will change as we can allocate 25 certificates per load balancer.

Creating a CNAME:

1 - Sign in to your Domain provider dashboard

2 - Select an individual domain to access the Domain Settings page.

3 - Select DNS to view your DNS records.

4 - Select Add New Record and then select CNAME from the Type menu.

5 - Enter the details for your new CNAME record.

  • Name: The hostname or prefix of the record, without the domain name, such as blog or shop. The Name must follow these guidelines:
  • Periods (.) are allowed but not as the first or last character
  • Consecutive periods (…) are not allowed
  • Cannot exceed 63 characters
  • Cannot be the @ symbol.
  • Not already in use by an existing A record, TXT record or MX record.
  • Value: The URL you are setting as the destination for the host. Type @ to point directly to your root domain name.
  • TTL (Time to Live): The amount of time the server should cache information before refreshing. The default setting is 1 hour.

  1. AWS Certificate Validation

Amazon Web Services (AWS) may take up to 30 minutes or longer to validate a domain and issue an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate if it's in a pending validation state. The approval time for an SSL certificate depends on several factors, including the validation method, domain registrar, and accuracy of the information provided.

By following these steps, you will successfully connect your domain to the POSaBit e-commerce solution, ensuring secure and efficient operation.

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