Purchase History - Insights


Having a quick way to access information on a loyalty customer's past purchase history is an important function of the POS for many different reasons. Let's walk through the 3 main sections under the 'Purchase History' tab on the cart page to go through some examples of how purchase history can be leveraged. 




Purchase History - Insights

By default, the 'Insights' tab is the first profile page that will appear when the customer's profile is first loaded. A few high level metrics POSaBIT tracks per loyalty customer include...

  • Lifetime Purchases
  • Average Purchase Size
  • Average Items Ordered
  • Lifetime Returns

Right off the bat, 'lifetime purchases' can imply if you have a newer customer on your hands, or a regular shopper. If the customer is on the new side, the budtender may want to spend more time with that customer to educate them on what makes your store soar above the rest, and encourage the customer to come back to shop time and time again. If the customer is a regular, the customer may appreciate if the budtender recognizes their loyalty upon coming back into the shop with a simple "welcome back" or "thank you for shopping with us, we appreciate your loyalty". Recognition can go a long way when it comes to customer service, and connecting with your biggest fans is a great way to show them some appreciation and customer love. 


Other metrics such as 'average purchase size' and 'average items ordered' are also a good check point for the cashier when helping a customer make their selection. If you have a customer that tends to buy out the whole store when they come in, you may find it easier to recommend products to that customer, or even upsell to an individual that tends to make large purchases. Customers that make smaller purchases may be on a budget, or that could imply they know exactly what they want and are just trying to get in/out of the shop with a few products in hand. 


Lastly, the 'lifetime returns' tracker serves as a great way to identify potential 'problem customers'. Using this information, the cashier will quickly pick up on how often any given customer has made a return at the store. A customer with a high count of returns may raise a red flag, and can prompt for further investigation if you sense the customer is abusing the store's return policy.


In addition to the data points described above, the customer's 'purchase limits' are also displayed on the 'insights' page. As product is added to the cart, the meter will adjust to show the cashier how much of the customer's limit is remaining. If adding product to the cart exceeds the customer's limit, then the meter will inform the budtender how much the customer has gone over their limit so the budtender is aware of what needs to be removed from the cart.







Purchase History - Recents

Under the 'Recents' tab, you will find history on every product a loyalty customer has recently purchased. Cashiers can use this information to ask customers how they liked the products they purchased last time they came into the store. It is also handy to reference if the customer wants to purchase more of what they bought last time they were in, but can't recall what the name of the product was. 


Purchase History - Returns

Similar to the 'Recents' page, the 'Returns' tab shows every product a loyalty customer has returned. In addition to the count of 'lifetime returns', the cashier can see specific items the customer has brought back to the store. 





For additional assistance please reach out to POSaBIT support @ 1 (855) POSaBIT OR SUPPORT@POSaBIT.COM

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