How to Initiate QD4/QD2 Updates from the Payments Terminal & Turn on 'Auto-Updates'

When POSaBIT updates go out, sometimes you will be required to manually start the update. This mostly relates to Q2 and QD4 payments devices.


Below is an outline of ‘How to Complete an Update on the POSaBIT Payments App’:

1.) Click the circle button on the bottom of your screen to get to the main menu of your Debit Terminal.
2.) Locate and select the App Market on the main menu of your debit terminal.
3.) Locate the POSaBIT POS Cloud App within the listed apps and select ‘Update’.
4.) Allow 1-2 minutes for the update to complete.
5.) Once the update is completed, navigate back to the Main Menu on the debit terminal.
6.) Reopen the POSaBIT App from the main menu on your debit terminal.
6.) You are now ready to continue processing transactions on your device.


In addition to updating the POSaBIT app, your team should also make sure that they enable the "Auto-Update" flag within the market app. Your team can do so by:
1.) Opening the "Market" app
2.) Selecting the POSaBIT application
3.) Enabling the flag titled "Update Automatically"


If you notice any odd behavior or need help identifying the login credentials for the POSaBIT POS Cloud App, send an email to Please include the serial number of the device that you need login credentials for.
*The serial numbers of your debit terminals can be found within the printer clasp of the device.

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