Business Documents - Tips

The To Do tab will display a list of document requests from your financial institution that have not been fulfilled yet. 

  • The Document Requests column will display the name of the document request. SINGLE FILE will be displayed under the document request name if your financial institution has specified that only one file is allowed to be uploaded to fulfill the request. Your financial institution may also add additional descriptive information about the document request under the document request name.
  • The Due Date column will display the due date set by your financial institution.
  • The Comments column will only display comments if one or more files have been Declined. If a file is declined by your financial institution, the declined document name will be displayed with a decline reason from your financial institution.
  • Click on the Actions button to select files to upload and submit or replace declined files.

The Completed tab will display a list of document requests that have already been submitted to your financial institution and no further action is required.

  • Click the View button to see a list of files that have been submitted to your financial institution. You can click Upload Files or drag and drop to add additional files to fulfill a document request. Click Submit to submit the additional files to your financial institution. No additional files can be added to a document request that is limited to a Single File.

NOTICE: All document requests conveyed through the POSaBIT network, including the approval or non-approval of documents are at the full control and discretion of your financial institution. Failure to comply with your financial institution’s requests and covenants may result in an item being returned or the account being suspended/closed. POSaBIT is a technology provider to your financial institution and has no authority or control over account status, document requests, or their approval. Please contact your financial institution regarding account requirements or questions on documentation.

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