POSaBIT Pay Reports

To Run a Report

  1. Login to secure.posabit.com.
  2. Click on Reports from the navigation menu and click POSaBIT Pay.
  3. Select a type of transaction from the Transactions drop-down.
  4. Select a time period from the Period drop-down.
  5. Click Run Report.
  6. Click the Excel or PDF button to export the report.

POSaBIT Pay Report Transactions Drop-down

  • Sales will display consumer transactions.
  • Refunds will display consumer refunds and business to business payments refunds.
  • Fees will display fees for consumer purchases and fees for business to business payments.
  • Declines will display consumer purchases that have been declined by the consumer financial institution.
  • Re-Presents will display attempts to collect funds for declined transactions.
  • Pending will display transactions that have been completed in the POSaBIT system and will be included in the next batch for processing.
  • Tip will display tips left by customers.
  • B2B will display incoming and outgoing business to business payments.
  • All will show all types of transactions.

POSaBIT Pay Report Period Drop-down

  • Today will show the transactions for today for the selected transactions filter.
  • This Week will show all the transactions from Sunday until today for the selected transaction filter.
  • This Month will show all the transactions from the first day of the month until today for the selected transaction filter.
  • This Year will show all the transaction from the first day of the current year until today for the selected transaction filter.
  • Yesterday will show all the transactions for the previous day for the selected transaction filter.
  • Last Week will show all the transactions from Sunday until Saturday for the previous week for the selected transaction filter. 
  • Last Month will show all the transactions for the previous months for the selected transaction filter.
  • Last Year will show all the transactions for the previous year for the selected transaction filter.
  • Custom will show all the transactions from the selected From Date until the selected To Date for the selected transaction filter.
  • All will show all the transactions for the selected transaction filter. 

POSaBIT Pay Reporting Level Drop-down

  • Details will show the details of each transaction.
  • Daily will show transactions grouped by day.
  • Weekly will show transactions grouped by week.
  • Monthly will show transactions grouped by month.
  • Yearly will show transactions grouped by year.

POSaBIT Pay Report Columns

  • The Date column will display the date of the transaction.
  • The Time column will display the time that the transaction took place.
  • The Batch Date column will display the date the ACH file is sent to the bank.
  • The Amount column will display the amount of the transaction. Parenthesis around the amount indicates a negative number. 
  • The Customer Name column will display the name of the customer that made the transaction. This column can be blank for some transaction types. 
  • The Status column will display the status of the transaction.
  • The Employee column will display the name of the employee that accepted a payment. This column can be blank for some transaction types. If a transaction is processed through your POS system the employee column will always be blank. 
  • The Employee ID column will display the employee ID that was entered when the employee was created. If a transaction is processed through your POS system the employee ID provided by your POS system will be displayed. This field is optional and may be blank. This field will always be blank for transactions completed by the primary contact person and for business to business payments. 
  • The Transaction Type column will display the type of transaction. 
  • The Cr/Dr column will display Credit for for positive amounts, Debit for negative amounts, and N/A for cancelled transactions. 
  • The Tracking column will display a tracking number associated for all the transactions within a purchase.

POSaBIT Pay Report Status

  • A Pending status means that the transaction has been completed in the POSaBIT system and will be included with the next batch for processing. 
  • Processing status is the step where pending transactions are being prepared for submission.
  • Cleared status means the transaction was included in a batch that was successfully processed. 
  • Canceled status means a transaction was canceled prior to processing with the financial institution. 

POSaBIT Pay Transaction Type

  • Fee transaction is the POSaBIT Pay fee that has been established by your financial institution.
  • Purchase transaction is a payment that was accepted using POSaBIT Pay.
  • Refund transaction means a POSaBIT Pay purchase has been refunded.
  • Re-Present transaction means the original transaction was declined and another attempt to collect funds has been made.
  • Declined transaction means the consumer financial institution has returned the transaction unpaid. Contact your financial institution for more information regarding the reason the transaction was declined. 
  • Payment transaction is a Business to Business payment that has been sent or received. 
  • A Tip transaction is a tip left from a customer.

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