Initial Setup – Initial email and first login

  1. You will receive an email from POSaBIT after your financial institution initiates your profile. Click on the link within email to complete your POSaBIT profile setup.
  2. Enter the six digit MFA code that is sent via text message to your mobile phone. 
  3. Click the Verify button. 
  4. Enter a New Password and Confirm New Password.
  5. Click the Submit button.
  6. A success confirmation will be displayed.
  7. Click on the Log In link or wait ten seconds to be redirected to the sign in page
  8. Log in using your email and password.
  9. Check the Accept Terms and Conditions checkbox. 
  10. Select the Merchant profile.
  11. Enter the six digit MFA code that is sent via text message to your mobile phone.
  12. Click the Verify button.
  13. Read the terms and conditions and click on the Decline or I Read & Agree button.

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