Leafly Menu & Order Pad Integration Setup

Streamline Your Inventory & Order Management: How to Integrate Leafly Menus with POSaBIT


Are you tired of the hassle of manually updating your product inventory and quantities? POSaBIT's point-of-sale solution is here to save the day! With its seamless integration with Leafly, you can bid farewell to the time-consuming task of inventory synchronization. Your Leafly menu will effortlessly stay in sync with your inventory, and your customers will enjoy the convenience of placing online orders directly through the Leafly menu. Once an order is placed, the order is sent to the point-of-sale, and is seamlessly managed from the Order Pad.



* NEW BETA Order Pad Integration: Our Order Pad Integration is a new BETA feature. Prior to the order pad integration, if ordering was enabled for your Leafly menu, incoming orders placed online by customers would be managed through Leafly's Orders console. With the new order pad integration, orders are now pulled directly into the POS where they are simply accepted, processed, and marked as filled to indicate the order is ready for pickup.


* This integration requires activation from your Leafly representative. You will need to reach out to Leafly support to get their 'Client Key', which you will use in steps two and five below.



Step 1: Preparing Your Products for Display

Before diving into the integration process, it's crucial to ensure that every product you wish to feature on your Leafly menu includes accurate strain and brand details under the product information. Missing strain or brand information can result in products not appearing on your Leafly menu. If any of these attributes are missing, you'll find a clear indication of which field is lacking in the product preview. Access this preview through the Menu Feed Categories page as seen below.


Step 2: Menu Feed Configuration

Follow these simple steps to integrate your Leafly menu seamlessly with POSaBIT:

  1. Login: Access the POSaBIT POS Portal.
  2. Navigate to Inventory: Click on "Inventory" in the menu bar and select the "Menu Feeds" tab.
  3. Create a New Menu Feed: Click the "New Menu Feed" button and fill in the necessary information, including:
    • Name: Give your menu feed a relevant title (e.g., "Leafly Menu").
    • Description: Provide details about the integration (e.g., "Leafly Integration").
    • Feed Type: Choose "Leafly."
    • Feed Key: This field is automatically populated for you.
    • Products Sorting: Select how you want your menu to be sorted (Name asc (a-z), name desc (z-a), price asc ($-$$$), price desc ($$$-$)).
    • Client Key: Enter the Leafly key obtained from the Leafly portal.
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4. Set Up Categories 

  • Name: Name of menu category.
  • Description: This is displayed below the category name on your online menu.
  • Display Order: The order it will be at shown at on the menu in comparison to other categories.
  • Template Name: Chose whether you want products on your menu to be listed by product name or by the product strain (strain is recommended for naming consistency).
  • Product Types: Select all product types that apply to that category.
  • Lineages: Lineages that will be included in that category.
  • Concentration Types: Types of concentrations that apply to that category.
  • Product Tags: This can be used if you use tags to group your products and want to create a category of those tagged products (i.e. you could have a menu category called "Featured Products" and tag all products that you'd like to "feature" on your menu).
  • Quantity More Than: This is the minimum number of units on hand that determines if the product appears on the online menu or not. Once the on-hand quantity for any given product reaches this number the product will automatically be removed from the menu. This is to prevent the store from selling something online that they ran out of because it was first sold to someone else in-store.
  • Combine weights?: This box should be checked to consolidate the various flower weights that the store carries under one product vs. displaying the various flower weights as separate products on the online menu.

5. Save and Repeat: Repeat the above steps for each menu category you want to create.

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Order Pad Integration Setup


Step 5: Enabling the Online Orders Integration with the POS Order Pad

1. Access Settings: Click on the "Settings" tab and select "Integrations."

2. Create New Integration: Click "New Integration" and select "Leafly - Ecommerce."

3. Enter Order Integration Key: Fill in the "Order Integration Key" obtained from the Leafly portal.

 Notice: The 'Client Key' that was received from Leafly and used in step 2 above, should be entered into the 'Order Integration Key' field shown below. 

4. Hit Save: Once you save this information, orders placed from your Leafly menu will populate under the Order Pad section on the point-of-sale.

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Example Leafly order on the POS's Order Pad page:

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Step 6: Enjoy Seamless Synchronization

Once you've completed the setup, your Leafly menu will automatically sync with POSaBIT. In the "Inventory" dropdown, navigate to "Menu Feeds" to see your menus' details. You can edit or delete menus as needed. Additionally, you can manage the Online Ordering integration under "Settings" > "Integrations."


With POSaBIT's Leafly integration, your inventory and order management becomes a breeze, and your customers can easily place online orders via the Leafly menu. For any further assistance, explore our support resources or reach out to our team. Simplify your operations and enhance the online ordering experience today!



For additional assistance please reach out to POSaBIT support @ 1 (855) POSaBIT OR SUPPORT@POSaBIT.COM 

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