How to print labels from a incoming manifest

POSaBIT users can print product barcode format labels for inventory as it is being received on an incoming manifest!

To update the label:

  1. Log in to the POSaBIT portal
  2. Navigate to Settings and Labels
  3. Update the Product barcode format option using the drop down menu
  4. Save changes!

 When on an incoming manifest:

Click the Bulk Print option, to print all labels on an incoming manifest. A pop up modal will display all the incoming lots and the quantity will default to the number of units being received or 1 if the product is bulk. A user can update the quantity per lot as needed. Once the numbers are validated, click print and the labels will print in order. 

Users can also print labels per lot by using the Print label button, the quantity will default to the number of units marked as incoming. 

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