How to Sign up a New POSaBIT Pay Customer (POS)

How to Sign up a New POSaBIT Pay Customer (POS)

  1. Login to the POS
  2. Ring Up the Customer
  3. Select Charge Button
    • When ready to tender the sale, select POSaBIT Pay as the payment option.
    • Enter phone number.
      • For loyalty customers, the system will auto-fill with the phone number associated with the their loyalty profile.
      • For guest customers, enter in the guest's phone number.
    • Click the Send Sign-up link via SMS button to send the customer a sign-up link via text.
      Notice: The customer may also sign up by downloading the POSaBIT app from the Apple or Google Play app store and sign up through the app.
  4. Proceed with the Transaction
    • A popup will appear with two options:
      • Resume Cart: click this button to go back to the cart and proceed with completing the order.
      • Save Cart & Continue Later: click this button to save the cart to the order pad so you can revisit the order when ready.
  5. Customer Sign-Up Completion
    • If the customer chooses to sign up in-store and completes the process, reopen their cart from the order pad.
    • Select POSaBIT Pay as the payment type.
    • The system will locate the POSaBIT Pay profile using the customer's loyalty phone number and proceed with the POSaBIT Pay transaction process.
  6. Finalize the Transaction
    • The customer must accept the non-cash assessment fee.
    • They will be presented with an optional tip screen, after which they need to select "Next" to continue.
    • The customer will then input their PIN to verify the account, completing the transaction.

By following these steps, you can smoothly sign up and process payments for new POSaBIT Pay customers using the POS system.

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