BioTrackTHC Upload POS Data

Export a POS batch file from BioTrackTHC

  1. Login to BioTrackTHC.
  2. Click on the Reports tab.
  3. Select Sales from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Sales Tickets from the sales submenu.
  5. Select the Date Range.
  6. Select the Location
  7. Change line item to No.
  8. Click on View Report
  9. Click Export

Note: Reporting may vary dependent on BioTrackTHC version.

Upload your POS data

  1. Login to
  2. Click on Tools from the navigation menu and click on Upload POS Data.
  3. Select BioTrackTHC from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on Choose File to select the file that was exported from BioTrackTHC. CSV is the only file type accepted.
  5. Click on the Upload button to upload the file. 
  6. You can review your uploaded POS data by selecting View POS Data Report.

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