Weave IQ Upload POS Data

Export a POS file from Weave IQ:

  1. Navigate to the Weave IQ home page
  2. Click on Transactions
  3. Select a date range for the report
  4. Click the blue button in the bottom right corner
  5. Click Banking Export to download the report as a CSV file

Upload your POS data:

  1. Login to secure.posabit.com
  2. Click on Tools from the navigation menu and click on Upload POS Data.
  3. Select Weave IQ from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on Choose File to select the file that was exported from Weave IQ. CSV is the only file type accepted.
  5. Click on the Upload button to upload the file. 
  6. You can review your uploaded POS data by selecting View POS Data Report.

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