How To Send A Payment To Another Business

To send a payment to another business:

  1. Login to
  2. Click on Payments in the navigation menu.
  3. Click on the Send Payment button. 
  4. Enter the Business Name for the business the payment is being sent to.
  5. Enter the Recipient Email for the business the payment is being sent to. 
  6. Enter Payment Date for the payment. The payment date cannot be in the past. 
  7. Enter an Invoice #/memo for the payment.
  8.  Enter a Description for the payment. 
  9. Select the bank account the payment will be withdrawn from with the Withdraw From drop-down menu.
  10. Enter the Payment amountThe amount must be greater than the minimum fee if you accept the fee. 
  11. Select the party responsible for paying the Fee.
  12. Click Send.
  13. An email will be sent to the recipient email address. 

You can attach an optional file to the sent payment by clicking Attach Document.  

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