Promo Code Report

To Run a Report

  1. Login to
  2. Click on Reports from the navigation menu and click Promo Codes.
  3. Click the Excel button to export the report.

Promo Codes Report Columns

  • Promo Code column will display the promo code the customer entered when they signed up for a Hypur profile.
  • The Customer Name column will display the name of the customer that signed up for a Hypur profile with a promo code.
  • The Signup Date column will display the date the customer signed up for a Hypur profile.
  • The First Transaction Date column will display the first day the customer made a transaction at your business. The First Transaction Date column will be blank if the customer has not made a transaction at your business.
  • The Payout Date is the date your business was paid out by Hypur for the promotion.
  • The Redeem column will display a button to redeem a promotion if the promotion has not been redeemed. The Redeem column will display the date the promotion was redeemed if the customer has already redeemed the promotion. 
  • The Employee column will display the name of the employee that marked the promotion as redeemed.

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