Why are my discounts stacking when they shouldn't?

There are several different ways that discount stacking can be set up within the POSaBIT system. Depending on how your venue wants to use stacking will depend on which settings should be enabled / disabled. This article describes the different ways that discount stacking can be used as well as what settings should be used for each:


Types of Discount Stacking:


Totally Disable Discount/Reward Stacking:

In order to completely turn off discount/reward stacking for all products ensure that the “No Discount Stacking” & “No Reward Stacking” flags are enabled within the Inventory Settings page.


Enable Discount/Reward Stacking:

If you would like to allow discount/reward stacking ensure that the “No Discount Stacking” & “No Reward Stacking” flags are disabled within the Inventory Settings page.


Enable Discount Stacking on Certain Discounts:

If you would like to only allow discount stacking on certain products. First, ensure that the “No Discount Stacking” & “Except Stackable Discounts” flags are enabled. Next, navigate to each discount that you would like to allow discount stacking on and make sure the “Allow Stacking” flag is enabled on the edit discount page.


For additional assistance please reach out to POSaBIT support @ 1 (855) POSaBIT OR SUPPORT@POSaBIT.COM

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