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The ‘ Under Cost’ error occurs when a product in the cart is discounted below the pre-set discount limit. There are two main types of discount limits, region-based limits and merchant-set limits Regi…
Updated 4 months ago
The “Over Limit” error occurs when a customer is trying to purchase products that exceed your state's purchasing limits. These limits are set on a state-by-state basis and can vary depending on custo…
The refresh button on your point of sale terminal (located in the top right corner of the screen) can be pressed and held down to initiate a 'long refresh' on the terminal. Doing this will update all…
A price tier is a preset price for a certain amount of a weighable product. This allows you to set different price points for each weighable product based on the weight. By doing so you are able to o…
POSaBIT POS Overview What Else is New? There are a handful of feature enhancements, as well as some new features you can expect with POSaBIT 2.0, including... Till Management - Track Till Denominatio…
For multi-store merchants, this article is meant to help you know exactly what settings are affected between all your different venues when you make changes on the POSaBIT POS portal. See the list of…
In the case where the wrong payment method was accidentally selected during checkout, you can manually change the payment method within the portal. To do this follow the steps below: Login to the POS…
If your POS loses internet it will automatically go into offline mode. Below are the recommended steps to debug the issue and get your device back online: First, try resetting your internet router..…
Sometimes the CCRS JSON files can encounter issues while importing, this is often due to issues with the JSON itself. If you encounter an issue while uploading a JSON file for a new incoming manifest…
Products will often get damaged or simply expire and are unable to be sold anymore. When this happens it is common for stores to have a process to destroy these unsellable products. Follow the steps…
There are several different ways that discount stacking can be set up within the POSaBIT system. Depending on how your venue wants to use stacking will depend on which settings should be enabled / di…
How to Add taxes: Taxes can be created directly in the portal under ‘Settings’ -> ‘Taxes’. From this page, select the ‘New Tax’ button to start creating a new tax within the POSaBIT system. Once sele…
When to clear out the data within the POSaBIT app? Very Rarely the POSaBIT app can get stuck in a cached loop that doesn’t let you perform any actions. When this occurs you will need to delete all ca…
POSaBIT automatically syncs all customer and product data onto each POS system. However, occasionally you might run into data that is not matching up between your POS device and your back end. If you…
Due to the large amount of data that is transferred to and from the POSaBIT devices, the application can occasionally encounter lag/unresponsive issues. If you encounter this on your device, use the…
How to Update HP Engage All-In-One + CFD Firmware Update to fix Green Screen:. In the steps below, you will learn how to perform a software update to the HP Engage terminals, and update the customer…
What Data is Pulled from your States Tracking System (STS) into POSaBIT. There are different STS programs for different states. In this article, there is a breakdown of each State tracking system, an…
If you've been a victim of robbery or theft, you might be wondering about the proper protocols for handling stolen goods while ensuring compliance. We understand the challenges that theft poses to di…
Adding Simple Keyboard On HP Terminals. Within scalefusion, verify the simple keyboard app is available: Go to the Scalefusion app and click on Simple Keyboard. It should take you to a Manage on-scre…
This article will give a budtender or other employee a 5-minute quick overview to familiarize users with the newly designed POS. POSaBIT POS - The Basics will quickly run through; Opening a Till. Clo…
The " POSaBIT Cloud App Has Failed " indicates a fatal error has occurred causing the POSaBIT application to crash. This occurs when a larger issue on the POS overloads the app causing the applicatio…
How to Connect Zebra Label Printer to POS Terminal. Connecting and setting up your label printer to your register is a straightforward process. See these steps below for a walkthrough: Locate a USB p…
Step 1: Accept the Manifest in Metrc. Log into your METRC account and view your manifests. Accept the manifest items you are bringing into inventory. Wait about 5-15 minutes - Metrc updates periodica…
Note: Google Chrome is acceptable to use with Zebra Print, NOT Safari. Download and Install the Zebra Browser Print To find the SDK, start by going HERE NOTICE: USE THE LINKS BELOW INSTEAD IF YOU ARE…
Discounts apply based on preset settings set using the POSaBIT web portal. There are several settings on both the discount and product details that can determine how and if a discount applies. Below…
With summer quickly approaching, your company may be gearing up to participate in off-site events, where you will be selling products away from your normal brick-and-mortar retail space. If you are i…
Pocket POS Overview. Meet the Pocket POS, where convenience meets efficiency in managing your store's transactions. Serving as a versatile tool similar to a Swiss army knife, our handheld point-of-sa…
Recently, POSABIT introduced a new process that allows merchants to pay their monthly invoices using their credit cards. To use this feature, you can pay as a guest or sign up as a Member for a POSaB…
In the case where a duplicate customer profile was accidentally created, you can easily merge the two loyalty accounts so the customer doesn’t miss out on any of their earned loyalty points. To do th…
Depending on the online menu provider your venue uses will determine how your menu feed should be set up. Use the following links to determine how you should properly set up your menu feed depending…
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