Complete List of Data Shared Between Venues

For multi-store merchants, this article is meant to help you know exactly what settings are affected between all your different venues when you make changes on the POSaBIT POS portal. See the list of settings below that are shared vs not shared between your different locations.


Complete List of Data Shared Between Venues (Multi-Venue Merchants ONLY)

Settings/Data shared between all venues:

  • Customers
  • Customer Fields
  • Customer Loyalty Level
  • Customer Tags
  • Product types 
  • Product Details (NOT Inventory amounts of products, just the info on each product is shared) 
  • Product Tags
  • Product Brands
  • Product Strains
  • Suppliers 
  • Transporters
  • Users
  • Tier Weights
  • Loyalty programs
  • Time ranges
  • Employees
  • Employee Roles

NOT Shared Between Venues:

  • Inventory
  • Rooms
  • Lots/Packages
  • Manifests
  • Inventory adjustments/activity 
  • Discounts (Merchant level coming soon)
  • Reports
  • Customers venue
  • File Import
  • Merchant
  • Support
  • Terminal Configuration
  • Venue
  • Imports
  • SKU's
  • Audits
  • (Incoming) Orders



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