Adding Multiple Employees in Bulk

You can add multiple employees in bulk by:

  1. Select Employees from the navigation menu. 
  2. Click on the + button to add a new employee.
  3. Click on the Add Multiple Employees link in the title.
  4. You will be direct to the Employee Import Page.
  5. Start by downloading our template file.
  6. Follow the "Template Instructions" in the file and fill out the file with your employee data.
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Mobile Phone Number - that will be used to receive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) codes. 
    • Employee Role - Staff, Consultant, Manager, Administrator
    • Employee ID
  7. Save the completed template to your computer.
  8. Click Choose File and select the template.
  9. Click Upload.
  10. Once Uploaded you can review the rows. Note: Rows with errors will be ignored during import.
  11. Click Approve or Decline to complete or discard your upload.
  12. After clicking Approve, the results field will change to Employee added.
  13. An email will be sent to the employee with a link to setup a password. 

Note: Employees are encouraged to use a personal email address to allow for a single sign on for all employee profiles and a consumer profile. Staff can access POSaBIT Pay and Issue Refunds. A manager can access POSaBIT Pay, Reports, Employees, and Tools. An administrator can access POSaBIT Pay, Payments, Reports, Employees, My Business, and Tools. A consultant can access Business Documents within the My Business section. 


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