Employee management - Adding an existing employee to multiple locations

  1. Select Employees from the navigation menu.
  2. Click on the name of the employee you want to add to another location.
  3. Select the role the employee will have at each location.
  4. Check the Email Notifications checkbox if the employee should receive business document request related email notifications. These email notifications are for the document request notifications ONLY. You must be the primary contact for your financial institution, an Administrator, or a Consultant to receive document request related email notifications.
  5. Select the preferred delivery time for email notifications. The preferred delivery time will set a one hour window for scheduled emails to be delivered after the selected time. You may still receive unscheduled emails such as a declined document notification or a password reset outside of the preferred delivery time.
  6. Click the Save button.

Note: Your employee will receive an email notification when they are added to a new location.


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