WeedWare setup

Assisted setup:

  1. Login to secure.posabit.com 
  2. Click on Tools and select POSaBIT Connections.
  3. Click on Setup for WeedWare. 
  4. Click on Generate New API Key
  5. Contact WeedWare at support@weedware.io. Provide the key to WeedWare, and they will complete the connection. 

Self setup:

  1. Login to secure.posabit.com
  2. Click on Tools and select POSaBIT Connections.
  3. Click on Setup for WeedWare. 
  4. Click on Generate New API Key
  5. Copy the API Key.
  6. Login To WeedWare.
  7. Click on Admin Tools in the navigation menu.
  8. Click on the Defaults tab.
  9. Paste the API Key into the Hypur Merch Token field.
  10. Click Save and Close.

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