Customer Segments Overview

Customer segments are used to divide customers into different groups based on common characteristics such as: customer type, age, gender, purchasing behavior, etc., and will allow you to filter reports by different groups more effectively and appropriately.


Here are a handful of examples that demonstrate how you can segment customers for more targeted campaigns:


Munchie Lovers

  • Customers that like (purchased) edibles within the last 30 days
  • Customer Types: Recreational, Medical, & Employee
  • Product Types: Edibles (solid)
  • Last Purchased within: 30 days


Phat Panda Preroll Lovers Segment

  • Customers that like (purchased) Phat Panda prerolls, have bought at least 15 prerolls since becoming a loyalty customer, and have made a purchase within the last 14 days
  • Customer Types: Recreational, Medical, & Employee
  • Product Types: Prerolls
  • Brands: Phat Panda
  • Lifetime Sales Count Greater than: 15
  • Last Purchased within: 14 days

Vendor Day Segment

  • Customers that have been a loyalty customer since the beginning of 2020, like (purchased) Cheeba Chews, and has bought that brand at least 10 since becoming a loyalty customer
  • Customer Types: Recreational, Medical, & Employee
  • Member Since: 01/01/2020
  • Brands: Cheeba Chews
  • Lifetime Sales Count Greater than: 10


Local Customers Segment, Age 21-30

  • Customers that are locals, and are between the ages 21 and 30 years old
  • Customer Types: Recreational, Medical, & Employee
  • Customer Tags: Local
  • Age Range Between 21 and 30 years

Employee Customer Samples Segment

  • Employee customers who purchase samples often
  • Customer Types: Employee & Employee Med
  • Select Product Types: Sample



To Create a Customer Segment:

  1. Hit the Marketing tab from the main menu
  2. Select Customer Segments
  3. To create a new segment, hit the blue 'New Customer Segment' button
  4. Fill out the segment criteria using any of the following fields:
    • Name: this is the friendly name of what your segment is called
    • Customer Segment Description
    • Customer Types: Recreational, Medical, or Employee
    • Customer Tags: Tags are customizable by venue
    • Gender
    • Birthday Options: this week or this month
    • Age range
    • Minimum Orders
    • Minimum Spend
    • Loyalty Membership: loyalty membership tiers are customizable by venue
    • Last Contacted
    • Min Lifetime Points
    • Min Spendable Points
    • Member Since
    • Purchased - Product Types
    • Purchased - Brands
    • Purchased - Strains
    • Lifetime Sales Count Greater Than: this is the total amount of times the customer has purchased a certain product type, brand, and/or strain
    • Last Purchased Within: number of days since a customer has purchased a certain product type, brand, and/or strain
  5. Hit Save.
  6. To use these segments, go to the report of your choice and select the "Customer Segment" filter and pick the customer segment you'd like to filter by.




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