How to Add Manually Add or Remove Loyalty Points to a Customer (POSaBIT Loyalty Only)

Do you ever run into the issue with a customer's points being used on a discount that was not requested and need to add points back into the customer's loyalty profile? Or do customers ever receive a discount but the budtender never used the loyalty points? Well, there is an easy way to add or remove points to a customer's loyalty profile from the POS portal, see below for details.


  1. Login to the POSaBIT POS portal
  2. Navigate to the Customers tab and then select the Customers option
  3. Find the customer you would like to add or remove loyalty points from and click the green Edit button on the far right side of the row
  4. From the customer's page that you selected, find the field labeled Add or Remove Points and write in either a positive number to add points (ex: 500), OR write in a negative number to subtract points (ex: -500). Doing this will adjust the customer's total points and their lifetime points if you're adding points but it will not affect the lifetime points if you are removing points from this customer. Screen
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the blue Save button to finalize the customer's loyalty points.

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