Creating a POSaBIT Hosted Menu

Offer your customers a unique online ordering experience with POSaBIT's online menu widget! This fully customizable menu allows you to set the colors to perfectly match your existing website fonts and colors. Plus, you'll never lose out on website SEO (Search Engine Optimization), since you'll have the menu directly embedded on your site. All inventory is managed in one place within the POSaBIT POS portal. It will automatically update the online menu when a new product is received, a product is sold out, or when you're running low on a particular product.

To embed a custom menu for your website, follow these steps:

Phase 1:

  1. Log into the POSaBIT POS Portal
  2. Click on Menu Feeds from the Inventory drop-down located at the top of the screen
  3. Hit the New Menu Feed button
  4. Fill out the required fields to create a new feed, including:
    • Name: Title of menu feed (i.e. "Posabit Menu")
    • Description: Details about the feed (i.e. Online menu for website)
    • Feed Type: Posabit menu, Leafly, Weedmaps, Endpoint (for other API menu integration)
    • Feed Key: This field is prepopulated for you - no need to edit the key
    • Products sorting: This is how your menu will be sorted - Name asc (a-z), name desc (z-a), price asc ($$$-$), price desc ($-$$$)
  5. Click Save
  6. Click the New Category button, and begin setting up your menu categories
    • a. Name: Name of menu category
    • b. Description: This is displayed below the category name on your online menu
    • c. Display Order: Choose where this category will show up on the page compared to the other categories. 1 will display first, then 2 will display second, and so on.
    • d. Template Name: Choose whether you want products on your menu to be listed by product name or by the product strain (strain is recommended for naming consistency)
    • e. Product Types: Select all product types that apply to that category. If you select none, all product types will be displayed.
    • f. Lineages: Select all lineage types that apply to that category. If you select none, all lineage types will be displayed.
    • g. Concentration Types: Select all concentrate types that apply to this category. If you select none, all concentration types will be displayed.
    • h. Product Tags: This can be used if you use tags to group your products and want to create a category of those tagged products (i.e. you could have a menu category called "Featured Products" and tag all products that you'd like to "feature" on your menu)
    • i. Quantity More Than: This is the minimum number of units on hand that determines if the product appears on the online menu or not. Once the on-hand quantity for any given product reaches this number the product will automatically be removed from the menu. This is to prevent the store from selling something online that they ran out of because it was first sold to someone else in-store.
    • j. Combine weights?: This box should be checked to consolidate the various flower weights that the store carries under one product vs. displaying the various flower weights as separate products on the online menu.
    • k. Click Save and return to the Menu Feed by selecting Menu Feed

Phase 2

  1. Next, you will need to create a New API Token
    1.  Click on Settings from the main menu and then select Integrations
    2.  Hit the New API Token button, and fill out the required fields:
      • Name: (i.e. POSaBIT Menu Feed)
      • Expires On: It is recommended to set this to a date in the far future (i.e. 01/01/2099)
      • Description: This is optional
      • Permissions: Select 'Menu Feed Access' and 'Incoming Order Access'
      • Domain: Add the link in which the menu you have created will appear on (The menu page of your website), then click Add Domain to confirm. Example: You will need to save the Venue API Token once before being able to add the domain.
    3. Click Save
    4. The API token will be visible from the Integrations page.
  2. Once you have created an API Token, return to Inventory --> Menu Feeds, and select the Menu Feed you made in Phase 1.
  3. Once you click Publish, a popup window with the Javascript will appear. Copy and paste that code onto the web page between the opening and closing <body> tags. Make sure the HTML text is pasted in the same format as seen on the POSaBIT popup as seen below. 
    • Note: The correct Feed ID and API Key will auto-fill. 


The following configurations can be edited within the HTML itself to customize the menu layout, color, and font:

  1. Grid View: This chooses whether to default to grid view or list view. 
  2. Heading Font: Changes the heading font
  3. Heading Font Color: Changes the heading font color
  4. Body Font: Changes the body font
  5. Body Font Color: Changes the body font color
  6. Color Background: Changes the background color
  7. Color Primary: Changes the primary color
  8. Color Primary Hover: Changes the color of the text when hovered over
  9. Product Images: Set to false if you’d like to have an image-less menu


You are now all set up with your POSaBIT menu and can now accept online orders!


For additional assistance please reach out to POSaBIT support @ 1 (855) POSaBIT OR SUPPORT@POSaBIT.COM

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