How to Accept POSaBIT Pay for Order Pickup

When a customer picks up an order, you can have the customer enter the PIN using a number pad, or you can use Safe Checkout. Safe Checkout allows you to send you a text message to the customer so they can enter the PIN on their mobile device.

Safe Checkout
  1. Login to
  2. Select Orders from the navigation menu.
  3. Select the Pickup tab.                             
  4. Select the customer that placed the order for pickup. Your location must be enabled to select a customer.
  5. The Purchase amount screen will be displayed. The purchase amount will be populated. The purchase amount can be adjusted at the time of pickup.
  6. Click Pay with POSaBIT.                                   
  7. Click the Send Text button.                  
  8. A message will be displayed to confirm a text message was sent to the customer and instruct you to remain on the page until the transaction is finalized.         
  9. A success confirmation will be displayed on the page after the customer enters the PIN on their mobile device and the transaction is finalized. Your customer will have the option to leave a tip if your business has enabled tipping.   
  10. Click OK to dismiss the success confirmation and return to the orders page. 

Enter the PIN on a Number Pad
  1. Login to
  2. Select Orders from the navigation menu.
  3. Select the Pickup tab. 
  4. Select the customer from the list of Pickup orders. Your location must be enabled to select a customer.
  5. The Purchase amount screen will be displayed. The purchase amount will be populated. The purchase amount can be adjusted at the time of pickup.
  6. Click Pay with POSaBIT.   
  7. Ask the customer to enter the PIN into the number pad. 
  8. Click Authorize
  9. A success confirmation will be displayed. 

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