Timesheets - Activation and Roles

The Timesheets feature assists with tracking how many hours each employee is clocked in for across a specific date range. This feature can be set up so that employees are able to quickly clock in on the POS system before starting their shift, and can easily clock out on the POS system once their shift has concluded. Reporting on the portal means that managers are able to see exactly who worked on what day and for how many hours. There is also the ability to assign roles, edit timesheets, add a note, and export data for payroll processing. 


Activating Timesheets

To begin using the Timesheet feature it must first be activated. On the POSaBIT portal, open the Settings dropdown in the navigation menu, and select Timesheet Settings.


Once on the page there will be 3 options to choose from:


Active: Active will fully activate the Timesheet feature. The POS system will display prompts for users to clock in and out while the POS portal will be visible for tracking and reporting.

Limited: Limited activation will partially activate the Timesheet feature. This will remove the option from appearing on the POS system but will still appear on the POSaBIT portal for manual tracking and reporting.

InActive: InActive will completely disable the Timesheet feature. This will hide the option from appearing on both the POS system and the POSaBIT portal.


Once an option has been selected, press Save and navigate to the Timesheets page by again choosing the Settings dropdown in the navigation bar, then selecting Timesheets.


Setting Up Timesheets

To begin setting up Timesheets, first, navigate to the Timesheets page by selecting Timesheets in the Settings dropdown. 



Roles are completely customizable and can be applied to shifts when users clock in. These roles are intended to help with identifying the positions of users when clocking in and can be applied retroactively on the portal. In addition, roles are permission-based meaning that a manager role can be created and only specific users can be given access to them when clocking in. Here's an example:


A new employee is going through their initial training. A role could be created named 'In Training' and given access to only new employees. As this new employee clocks in, the 'In Training' role can be applied to their shifts, and as a manager, it's easy to view exactly how many 'Training' hours have been worked.


Create a New Role

To add a new Role, select the Add New Role located at the top of the Roles table. From here there are several options to choose from:


Role Name: The name of the Role. If fully activated, this name will appear on the POS for users to select when clocking in.

Is Active: If unchecked, this Role will be deactivated for all users.

Default Role: If checked, this Role will be assigned as the default role. The Default Role will always appear as the first selectable Role when clocking in on the POS. Only 1 default role can exist at a time and default roles are always available to all users

Save: After entering the information above there will be 2 options available for saving the role:

  • Save: Selecting this will save the role without giving any user permission to access the role when clocking in. Permissions will need to be granted on an individual-by-account basis.
    • For example, if a store has 10 employees but only 1 manager, it may be easier to select 'Save' when creating a Manager role; then instead of restricting access to the role from 9 employees, only 1 manager would need access given to them.
  • Save and Give to All: When selecting this option, the role will not only be created but also grant permission access to all users. If somebody shouldn't have access to this role, their permission will need to be removed on an individual-by-account basis.
    • For example, when creating a highly used role like "Budtender", it may be a good idea to 'Save and Give to All' in order to make it available to all and then restrict the role to the few users who shouldn't have access.

Once ready, select the Save button to create the role. It will then be visible in the Roles table.


Time - New Role.gif


Edit an Existing Role

Role Name: Option to change the name of the role.

Is Active: If unchecked, this Role will be deactivated for all users.

Default Role: If checked, this Role will be assigned as the default role. The Default Role will always appear as the first selectable Role when clocking in on the POS. Only 1 default role can exist at a time and default roles are always available to all users

Accessibility: The accessibility options determine which users have access to this Role when clocking in on the POS. These options should be used as the first step for customizing which users have access to which roles. 

  • Apply Role to All Users: Selecting this option will overwrite all permissions related to that role and immediately grant all users permission to access this role.
  • Remove Role from All Users: Selecting this option will overwrite all permissions related to that role and immediately remove all users' permission to access this role.

Once ready, select the Save button to create the role. It will then be visible in the Roles table.



Restricting Roles

If a role is created and only specific users should have access to it, then individual users can be assigned access by navigating to their User Profile and checking the box next to each role under Time Clock Roles

Checking the box will give access to that role for that individual user.

Unchecking the box will remove access to that role for that individual user. 


time - role permissions.gif

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