Timesheets - Tracking and Editing Timesheets

Date Range

The date range located at the top of the page acts as a filter for the Timesheet Overview table as well as the Timesheets Breakdown table. The date range filter affects the employee data shown in the Timesheet Overview by showing only the days and hours worked between those days.

For example, sorting the date range by 'Last 7 Days' will not include employee hours for today as the Timesheet Overview table will display hours worked over the previous 7 days.

We suggest setting the Date Range filter to 'Week to Date' or setting a Custom range in order to include today's date.



Download / Export

In order to export this information to an Excel spreadsheet, simply select the Download button to the right of the date filter



The Timesheets page contains the Timesheet Overview table which shows an overview summary of all users along with the total number of days and hours worked over the specified date range. This date range can be adjusted like any report by changing the date range filter at the top of the page.


Timesheet Overview

The Timesheet Overview table shows a high-level view of all users that clocked in across the specified date range. Users that are actively clocked in will always appear at the very top of the table and followed by, in descending order, users with the highest number of total hours worked. The table columns include:


Name: The user's first and last name

Email: The user's email address (empty should none exist)

Phone Number: The user's phone number (empty should none exist)

Days: The total number of days the user has worked across the specified date range

Hours: The total number of hours the user has worked across the specified date range

Status: Shows whether or not the user is actively clocked in and works as a button to quickly clock the user in or out


A New Timesheet can be added by selecting the New Timesheet button at the top right corner of the table.



Timesheet Breakdown

Clicking one of the names in the Timesheet Overview table will redirect to the employee page which features a new table that tracks each instance that this user clocked in/out along with the role they selected and displays the total hours and total days worked over the specified date range. Additionally, the table columns track the following information for each instance:


Date: The date in which the user clocked in (MM-DD-YYYY format)

Clock-In: The time the user clocked in

Clock-Out: The time the user clocked out

Hours: The total number of hours the user worked between their clock-in and clock-out time

Role: The role that was selected by the user when they clocked in (this will be blank if clocked in via the Timesheets Overview button)

Status: Shows whether or not the user is actively clocked in (empty if not actively clocked in)

Notes: Any additional notes which can be added when editing the shift

Errors: Should an issue arises with a user's time punch, a notification will appear here that will inform the user of the error


A New Timesheet can be added by selecting the New Timesheet button at the top right corner of the table.



Editing a Timesheet 

To edit a timesheet simply press the Edit button located to the right of the instance you wish to edit. From here you can adjust the role, edit the clock-in and clock-out time, or add a note to each instance. A history of all adjustments can be viewed by selecting the History button to the far right; This table will include every time an instance was edited along with who made the edit and when.



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