Timesheets - Clocking In and Clocking Out

Point of Sale (POS)

Clocking In

If a user is not actively clocked in on the POS system all they need to do is enter their PIN into PIN screen and a request for the user to clock in will automatically appear. All the user needs to do at that point is select their role and press the Clock In button.




Clocking Out

To clock out on the POS system, the user will need to enter their PIN to open a cart, then open the hamburger menu located in the top left corner of the screen, from here there will be a Clock Out visible. Once pressed a new popup will appear asking the user to confirm that they would like to clock out. Simply press the Clock Out button and the user will be clocked out.





Clocking in and out on the portal instead of the POS device can be done from both the Timesheets Overview table and from the Employee Page by creating a New Timesheet. Doing so from either page will be done the same way except that when a New Timesheet is created on the Employee page, their name will be auto-filled.


Option 1: Clocking In via New Timesheet

One way to clock in on the portal is to first create a new timesheet on either the Timesheets Overview page or the Timesheets Breakdown page. To do this, simply fill out everything except for the clock out input field. Upon hitting Save the user will be clocked in with that role and start time.


time - clock in.gif


Option 2: Clocking In via the Status Button

The second way to clock in on the portal is to do so via the Status column on the Timesheets Overview page. To do this, simply press the Clock In button next to the user that should be clocked in. This way is much faster, however clocking in this way will leave the role blank and set the clock in time as the current time. 


Clocking Out

To clock out on the portal, simply select the green Clock Out button found in the Status column next to the user you wish to clock out. Once selected, the current time will be added as the Clock Out time.


For additional assistance please reach out to POSaBIT support @ 1 (855) POSaBIT OR SUPPORT@POSaBIT.COM 

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