Employees: Creating a New Employee Pin (POS)

Each employee who has access to the POSaBIT point of sale will need their own unique 4-digit employee pin to access the register. To create a new employee pin, follow these steps:


1. Login to the POSaBIT point of sale portal.

2. Click Employees under the settings drop down at the top of the screen.

3. Select the blue New Employee button in the top right of the page, fill out the required employee fields, then click Save:

  • Login: This is the user name you will enter in when you login to the POSaBIT point of sale portal.
  • First/Last Name
  • Email: This email will be tied to the account for password reset purposes.
  • Telephone
  • Password/Confirmation: This is where you can set and reset a user's password.

4. After clicking Save, you will see 2 new fields appear: Access level and Pin. Select an access level, and enter a 4 digit pin number for the employee (cannot begin with the number 0), then click Save again.

  • POS Access Levels:
  • Budtender: Has access to all areas of the POS that are not Manager pin protected
  • Manager: Can print shift reports from the till (if manager protected), and is able to override discounts on the POS that require a manager pin. 


Portal User Groups:

Portal user groups or employee groups are preset access levels that can be fully customized. Learn how to create an edit employee groups HERE. Once these group are build, you will be able to select exactly which groups each employee is a part of. This is a fully customizable way to make sure your employee have exactly the access they need without providing any unwanted information. Learn how to create new employee groups HERE




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