How to Generate and Employee Group/Permission for Vendor 'Read Only Access' in the POSaBIT POS Portal

If you are wanting to allow vendors to see your inventory left in stock, you can create a user group that is 'Read Only' so vendors can access the inventory but not edit anything within the portal. Follow the simple steps below to see how you can create a 'Read Only' user group that you will be able to assign users to.


  1. Login to the POSaBIT POS Portal
  2. Go to the Settings tab --> Employee Groups
  3. Select the blue New Group button
  4. Name the employee group (Example: Vendor Read Only Access)
  5. Leave the Existing Template field as "I Don't Need a Template" and click the blue Save button
  6. You will now be on a page that shows the different areas of the portal that you can manage what this employee group has access to. 
  7. Unselect all flags under "Read" and "Manage" and select the down arrows for Reports and Inventory.

  8. For specific reports, you will want to allow "Read" access to the Inventory Re-Order Report. You also have the capability of giving read access to any other reports that you feel would be helpful to your vendors.

  9. For the Inventory area of the portal, you don't need to give the vendor read access to anything, but it could be helpful for the vendor to see the inventory amounts left of their products at your store. Feel free to select any other areas of inventory that you think the vendor should have access to.

  10. You can now select all existing vendors that have accounts through the POSaBIT portal and add them to this employee group.
  11. Click the blue Save button to finalize creating a vendor read-only employee group. Continue to the next steps if you need a refresher on creating an employee and adding them to an employee group, in this case it will be a vendor account.

How to Create a Vendor Employee Account and Assign them to the Vendor Employee Group

  1. Log on to the POSaBIT POS Portal and go to Settings --> Employe
  2. Select "New Employee" and start filling in the information on the employee creation page, then Save.

  3. Now you will have created the employee and a new page with more employee permissions will popup. You will want to select the appropriate Portal User Group, which in this case is the "Vendor Read Only Access" group.

  4. On this page, you will also be able to select if the user is a budtender or manager, create a pin (optional), and add a password (the new user will get an email to set their own password). The employee is now saved in the system and will be able to complete the sign-up through the link that was sent to the correlating email on the profile.


For additional assistance please reach out to POSaBIT support @ 1 (855) POSaBIT OR SUPPORT@POSaBIT.COM

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