Scale Integration With POSaBIT POS Instructions

Scale Integration With POSaBIT POS Instructions

For Cannabis retailers in states that permit weighable (Deli-Style) product to be sold, POSaBIT is able to meet that need through the following guide.

POSaBIT integrates with A&D series scales and utilizes a cable + adapter connection configuration. The FX 1200in is the recommended model to purchase. Cables and adapters are sold separately and all items can be found at the links below: 

POS Portal Settings Checklist:
  • Within the portal, go to Settings > Inventory Settings and check the “Enable Tier Pricing” box
  • Ensure the “Exact Weight Dialogue” box is checked. The purpose of checking this is to allow different flower weights to be weighed and sold through the POS outside of the typical 1g, 3.5g, 7g, etc. weight options
  • From the dropdown, set the ‘Tier Pricing’ to either Recreational, Medical or both MED/REC

  • Within Settings > Inventory > Product Types find the product type(s) that you will be weighing (typically only flower product). Select the edit button and in the next screen, select the “Weighable” checkbox..
  • Next, from the dropdown menu to the right, select one of the three available tier pricing options.
    • Standard: Prices are totaled up as-is
    • Cumulative: Total weight sold is totaled from each pricing tier to calculate the cumulative price
      • For example: if there are 1g, 2g, and 4g, price points set up, and a customer purchases 5g from a tier, then we'd calculate the price based on the 4g price ($140) - (5/4 of $140 = $175)
    • Cumulative (mix and match): Total weight sold is totaled up from all pricing tiers to calculate the cumulative price, based on total weight sold

  • Once you have selected the desired tier price, select the save button.
  • From the main Inventory menu in the portal, the Tier Pricing button will now be accessible.
  • Within Tier Pricing, you will create the pricing tiers for your weighable product. 
  • See the following article on how to Set Up Tiered Pricing

Connecting Scale to POS:

  • Connect the F/F adapter to the cable
  • Plug the adapter-connected cable into the back of the scale
  • Plug the USB end into the POS

Configuring the Scale Weight Settings

  • Below are the configuration charts to program directly into the scale:

  • To enact these changes on the scale perform the following steps
    • Press and hold the “Sample” button to get to the core menu
    • Press “Sample” again to toggle functions and get to SIF or DOUT
    • Once on the desired function select “Print” to access the configurations
    • To make a change to the configuration number present, select RE Zero
    • To save the change select Sample
    • Once all changes are enacted hit the on/off switch restarting the scale and saving the changes made

Testing and Running Transactions with Weighable Flower

  • Congrats! You have now successfully hooked up the scale. To test and make sure it is working correctly, bring up a cart on the POS and scan or search for a weighable flower product
  • The screen will then prompt you to the weight dialogue box. 

  • When this box is present, add weight to the scale and select the print button

  • The weight present on the scale will now populate on the register (along with the price)

  • The budtender can then click add to cart and move onto the next product

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