All Categories > POS > General Settings
POSaBIT's portal is a powerful and useful tool that is built to help you monitor and control everything that is taking place in your store. The Account Information settings page is where you set all…
Updated 6 months ago
POSaBIT fully integrated delivery solution helps you closely monitor your delivery orders by tracking them from the moment the order is submitted all the way until the products are delivered to your…
POSaBIT's fully integrated delivery system communicates directly to Metrc, ensuring that each delivery is fully compliant! In order to have the required information needed to create a delivery manife…
Scale Integration With POSaBIT POS Instructions. For Cannabis retailers in states that permit weighable (Deli-Style) product to be sold, POSaBIT is able to meet that need through the following guide.…
POSaBIT's portal is a powerful and useful tool that is built to help you monitor and control everything that is taking place in your store. Inventory settings help set exactly how inventory is handle…
Updated 5 months ago
Taxes are an essential part of your Point of Sales system and must be built properly in order to charge your customers correctly. Taxes can be applied in many different ways depending on your state a…
Though it's rare to lose connection to your printer, it can happen. Follow the steps below to learn how to rediscover/connect your printer to your POS. Log into the POS using your employee pin. Once…
This article is to help our merchants better understand how the terminals page can be used on the POSaBIT POS portal. Terminal Management and Info Below is an image of the terminals page. See the ima…
When setting up a new venue, it's important to initiate the correct taxes. Depending on your state and local laws, there are different ways to set up your taxes. POSaBIT makes it easy for you to cust…
POSaBIT's portal is a powerful and useful tool that is built to help you monitor and control everything that is taking place in your store. In order to take full advantage of everything POSaBIT's por…
POSaBIT now offers the ability for users to quickly and securely log into POS terminals by scanning a QR code or by scanning NFC/RFID cards (RFID/NFC does require additional hardware - see below for…
The ability to hide your employee names from receipts is another great way you can customize your POS experience. Whether it's for safety or just preference we want you to have as much control settin…
If you have a medical-only store that only serves patients, then this is the setting for you! Enabling this flag will block the ability to add marijuana products to a recreation cart. This means that…
We have made our receipts very customizable in order to meet all of our merchants needs. From adding a logo, customizing your wording, and more, POSaBIT receipts are customizable to all your needs. T…
When setting up a new venue, it's important to create the correct taxes for your region. Depending on your state and local laws, there are different ways to set up your taxes. POSaBIT makes it easy f…
Though your terminals shouldn't get logged out unless an update forces a login, or a user accidentally logs out of the app, this article will walk you through how to log back into the POSaBIT app on…
Due to the high volume of cash transactions at dispensaries, they are more susceptible to robberies than normal brick-and-mortar retailers. POSaBIT identified this issue and has been working closely…
We have recently deployed Z30 POS devices, and with that comes some differences in troubleshooting and other settings, though some remain similar to other devices. How to Shutdown your Z30? Behind th…
How to Enable Dark Mode on a POS Terminal. Here are the steps that enable ‘Dark Mode’ on the POS Terminals: Navigate to the Hamburger Menu in the top left-hand corner of the POSaBIT App on the POS Te…
Simplified inventory is a feature that reduces the amount of required data for non-cannabis inventory. With this feature enabled, product types that are not marked as Is Marijuana, will not require b…
Updated 3 months ago
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