How to Rediscover/Connect your printer to your POS?

Though it's rare to lose connection to your printer, it can happen. Follow the steps below to learn how to rediscover/connect your printer to your POS.


  1. Log into the POS using your employee pin.
  2. Once you have logged in using your employee pin, click the hamburger menu on the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Go to the Settings tab.
    • From settings, make sure you're on the POS settings page.
  4. To connect your...
    1. USB printer:
      1. Check the box of 'USB mode' flag
      2. Click the grey Discover(USB) button and your POS should detect the printer connected to the POS.
    2. Wifi printer:
      1. Enter the printer IP address into the text field that is located to the left of the 'USB mode' flag


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