Completing A Full Debit Terminal Update

To run a full update on your debit terminal, follow the 4 steps outlined below. Before you begin, ensure that you have the TPN, keys, and Check Digit for each debit terminal. POSaBIT will provide these, and they will be included in the update process as follows:

  • TPN: This is the terminal ID number that is entered into the device for step 3.
  • Key Part 1&2: You will be provided with 2 different keys that will be entered back
    to back on step 4.
  • Check Digit (KCV): The KCV is a unique number that will be entered following each key
    number entered during step 4.


1) Run a Batch Report

  • Click green OK button (manager password is always 1234)
  • Select Settlement, then Settle Daily Batch

The terminal will batch out any open transactions on the terminal. If there are no open transactions, the terminal will say “Batch Already Settled”. Once you’ve confirmed the batch has been closed, this step is complete.


2) Set Date and Time

  • Click green OK button (manager password is always 1234)
  • Select the following options from the menu: Utility > Setting > Date and Time
  • Set the correct date and time for your time zone


3) Software Download

  • Click green OK button (manager password is always 1234)
  • Select the following options from the menu: Utility > Software Download > Settings > Protocol > Private Host Name > remove "", and enter ""
  • Navigate back the Software Download download screen > Connect > (Wifi or Ethernet - select how your terminal is connected) > Full
  • Enter in the TPN, then OK

When the software download is complete, hit Yes to apply the updates. This step can take several minutes, so you should start the download on all of your terminals before waiting for the first one to finish.


4) Enter Terminal Keys

Once the terminal reboots after applying any software updates, you must enter in the unique device key numbers. 

Note: When entering in the keys, try to enter them as quickly as possible without pauses. Pausing even for a couple of seconds can kick you out and make your restart!

  • Click green OK button (manager password is always 1234)
  • Select the following options from the menu: Applications > Credit/Debit/ EFT > Setup > Security > Inject Keys > Local Injection > Manual Entry (the debit terminal will ask if you’re sure, press Yes)
  • Select ‘Triple DES’, and then option 2 from the next screen
  • Enter Key Part 1, click OK, enter in the Check Digit (KCV), then OK again (once entered correctly, the screen displays ‘Success’)
  • Enter Key Part 2, click OK, enter in the Check Digit (KCV), then OK again (once entered correctly, the screen displays ‘Success’)
  • After you finish entering in the keys above, click the red cancel button to back out to the home screen, then follow these steps to finalize the update:
    • Click green OK button (manager password is always 1234) > Applications > Credit/Debit/EFT > Host Utility > Key Exchange (the screen should display Key Exchange Success)

After the device has received the software download, and key information has been successfully entered, the debit terminal is ready to use! If you run into any problems or errors, please reach out to POSaBIT for assistance.


For additional assistance please reach out to POSaBIT support @ 1 (855) POSaBIT OR SUPPORT@POSaBIT.COM

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