Loyalty: Setting Up your Loyalty Program

POSaBIT's loyalty programs are completely customizable and extremely flexible! Allow customers to earn points upon the first time they become a member, for dollars spent in the store, and/or by number of visits. The best part is that you don't have to choose just one - learn how to set up multiple programs for customers to earn points to keep loyal customers coming back for more! 


  1. Log into the POSaBIT POS Portal
  2. Click on Loyalty Programs under the Marketing tab at the top of the screen.
  3. Chose a type of program from the drop down list: Visits, Dollars Spent, or Sign up, then click the green Add Loyalty Program button.
  4. Click on the program from the list to set it up:
    • Description: i.e. Every 1 visit gets 1 point
    • Threshold: This is the number the customer has to reach to accrue points. i.e. In the case of visits, if the user entered 1, then the customer would receive x points for the 1 visit. For dollars spent, if 10 is entered, then the customer would accrue x points, for spending $10.
    • Point Reward: This is the number of points the customer will earn once they meet the threshold.
    • Double Point Weekdays: This field allows you to enable certain days as "double points", this will give the customer double the reward points if earned on the certain day
    • Is Active: This box must be checked for the program to be applicable at the POS
    • Recurring: Using the "dollars spent" program example above, if 10 is entered as the "threshold", and this flag is checked, then the customer will earn x points for every $10 spent. If the flag is NOT checked, then the customer will only receive x points for spending at least $10, and will not receive any additional points.
  5. Click Save

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