How to Complete a Transaction for an Existing POSaBIT Pay Customer on the POS

How to Complete a Transaction for an Existing POSaBIT Pay Customer on the POS

Loyalty Customer
  1. Login to the POS
  2. Ring Up the Customer
  3. Select the Charge Button
    • When ready to tender the sale, select POSaBIT Pay as the payment option.
  4. Check Account Linkage
    • If the customer's POSaBIT Pay account is already linked to their loyalty profile, "Account Linked" will appear in green above the payment types.
    • If the phone number connected to their POSaBIT Pay account is different than their customer profile in the POS, the customer will need to provide the correct phone number to the budtender to connect their accounts. Once they search the number and it connects, the budtender will continue to checkout.
  5. Proceed with the Transaction
    • The customer must accept the non-cash assessment fee.
    • They will be presented with an optional tip screen, after which they need to select "Next" to continue.
    • The customer will then input their PIN that they created when they made their account OR the One-time PIN sent to their phone once the transaction was initiated to verify the account, completing the transaction.

By following these steps, you can efficiently process transactions for customers with existing POSaBIT Pay accounts using the POS system.

Guest Customer
  1. Login to the POS
  2. Ring Up the Customer
  3. Select Payment Option
    • When ready to tender the sale, select POSaBIT Pay as the payment option.
  4. Verify Customer Account
    • The customer will need to provide the budtender with the phone number associated with their POSaBIT Pay account.
    • Click "Search" to connect the account.
  5. Continue Checkout
    • Once the system verifies the account, a POSaBIT Pay Account Linked popup will appear.
    • Click "Continue Checkout"
  6. Finalize the Transaction
    • The customer must accept the non-cash assessment fee.
    • They will be presented with an optional tip screen, after which they need to select "Next" to continue.
    • The customer will then input their PIN to verify the account, completing the transaction.

By following these steps, you can efficiently process transactions for guest customers using their POSaBIT Pay accounts on the POS system.

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