How to Refund a POSaBIT Pay Purchase

Please note the below refund process is for legacy POSaBIT Pay merchants (formerly Hypur).

  1. Refund the transaction in your POS system.
  2. Login to
  3. Select POSaBIT Pay from the navigation menu.
  4. Click on the Issue Refund button. You must be at your business location to issue a refund.
  5. Select the purchase you would like to refund. You can issue a refund for a tip if you are the primary contact person for your financial institution, an Administrator, or Manager.
  6. Click Yes on the refund confirmation. 
  7. Enter an optional note regarding the refund.
  8. Click the Submit button.
  9. A success confirmation will be displayed.

Note: Consumers will not be able to see the optional note regarding the refund.

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