How to Open a Till

Tills can only be opened from a POSaBIT register.

Before performing any kind of task on the register, the till must first be opened - this is so that the system knows how much cash is in the till. You'll know the till is in a closed state, if the screen below is the first screen shown, immediately after you enter your 4-digit employee pin number to get into the register.



To Open the Till with One Overall Value:

  1. "Enter Till Amount" as prompted (the amount entered in this field should reflect the amount of cash that will be starting in the till).
  2. The "Open Till" button will turn green after you've entered a number - click the button once you've entered how much cash is in the drawer to start with. 
  3. Click 'Ok' to proceed. The screen will navigate back to the employee pin home screen, and you can now begin to ring up sales.

To Open the Till based on Specific Bill Counts:

  1. Select "Enter Till Denominations" on the top right of POS.
  2. Enter the number of each type of bill and coin.
  3. The "Open Till" button will turn green after you've entered a number - click the button once you've entered how much cash is in the drawer to start with. 
  4. Click 'Ok' to proceed. The screen will navigate back to the employee pin home screen, and you can now begin to ring up sales.


For additional assistance please reach out to POSaBIT support @ 1 (855) POSaBIT OR SUPPORT@POSaBIT.COM

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