How to Refund a Tip

  1. Login to
  2. Select POSaBIT Pay from the navigation menu.
  3. Click on the Issue Refund button. You must be at your business location to issue a refund.
  4. Select the Tip you would like to refund. You must be the primary contact person for your financial institution, an Administrator, or Manager to refund a tip.
  5. Click Yes to confirm you would like to refund the tip.
  6. Enter a New Tip Amount if a tip for a different amount should have been left. 
  7. Enter an optional note regarding the tip refund.
  8. Click the Submit button. 
  9. A success confirmation will be displayed. An error message will be displayed if the new tip was unsuccessful. 

Note: Consumers will not be able to see the optional note regarding the refund.

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