How to Confirm Status of Previous Transaction Attempt (PAX A920)

When running payments with the POSaBIT app, occasionally you may encounter an error after the customer has inserted their card that causes the app/device to crash.

In this scenario, there may be uncertainty on whether or not the previous payment attempt was completed. One tool to confirm if the previous payment attempt was successful is the Summary Report, which can be ran from the TSYS app. This report will show you every successful transaction since the previous batch close, and can be used to identify if the previous attempt was successful or not. We recommend running this report whenever the customer is hesitant to run their card a second time, ensuring that they are not double charged or undercharged.


Instructions to run the Summary Report:
  1. Open the “Sierra TSYS” app on the PAX device
  2. Under the FUNC tab, click “Reports”
  3. Operator Password will be 1234
  4. Click “Current Report”
  5. Change Report Type to “Short Report”
  6. Click Print > OK
  7. Receipt will print showing all transactions since the previous batch close, in chronological order. Look at the most recent line item at the bottom to determine if payment was captured on the previous payment attempt. 
    1. If the line item is there - payment was received and customer is good to go. The payment will reconcile in the POSaBIT Payments Portal after 48 hours.
    2. If the line item is not there - payment was not received and customer is approved to try their debit card again.

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