How to Link Curated Products to POSaBIT (New WM Customers)



Important Note: The following article pertains to venues that are not currently using Weedmaps as their menu provider. If your venue is currently using Weedmaps, please click HERE to learn how to integrate your existing menu. 


A key aspect of the service Weedmaps offers is access to curated or verified product data. These products contain detailed data on the strain effects, descriptions, images and much more. Therefore, when designing this integration we made sure you maintain access to this data allowing your customers to see the most detailed effects, descriptions, and images possible. 

However, in order to access this enhanced data for new products, you must map your POSaBIT product details with the Weedmaps curated product details. Below you can find a overview of the steps required to map your new products to the Weedmaps data. Keep in mind, these steps are only required for new curated products that are accepted after your initial weedmaps setup is complete!


  1. Link brands in POSaBIT to the Weedmaps curated brands
  2. Connect products in POSaBIT to the curated products in Weedmaps


First, you should link up your brands within POSaBIT to the Weedmaps curated brands. Please follow the steps below to learn how to connect the brands within POSaBIT to the Weedmaps curated brands. 

  1. Login to the POSaBIT web portal.
  2. Select "Brand Mapping" from the "inventory" dropdown at the top of the screen.
  3. Using the search bar at the top of the screen, search for a brand found on the left hand side of the screen.
  4. If you are able to locate the same brand in both the left and right hand columns, then continue onto step 5. However, if the brand is missing from the left hand menu then Weedmaps does not currently have any curated products for that brand, in this case repeat step 3 with a new brand
  5. After locating the brand in both columns, press the green "select" button within the left column.
  6. As soon as you press the green "select" button you will notice the green "link" buttons on the right hand table will become clickable. Locate the row with the matching brand name and press "Link" button to map the brands together.
  7. Repeat steps 3 - 6 for every brand found within the left hand column.



You are now able to link the products within POSaBIT to the Weedmaps curated products. Please follow the steps below to learn how to link POSaBIT products to curated Weedmaps products.

  1. Login to the POSaBIT web portal.
  2. Select "Curated Products" from the "inventory" dropdown at the top of the screen.
  3. Using the brand filter on the left hand side of the screen, select a brand and press the green "Search" button at the bottom of the filters
  4. Next, compare the two columns to locate products that appear within both lists. Once found press the green "Select" button on the product within the left hand column.
  5. Similar to above as soon as you press the green "select" button you will notice the green "link" buttons on the right hand table will become clickable. Locate the row with the matching product name and press the green "Link" button to map the products together.
  6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 for each brand/product that is currently in the POSaBIT system to ensure that you are utilizing all curated products within your Weedmaps Menu.


Now that you have mapped all available curated brands/products to your POSaBIT system, your final step is to publish your "Weedmaps" menu from the POSaBIT portal. Click HERE to learn how to publish your "Weedmaps" menu.


For additional assistance please reach out to POSaBIT support @ 1 (855) POSaBIT OR SUPPORT@POSaBIT.COM


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