How to Correct a Wrongfully Entered Manifest

Although manifests are typically entered correctly, sometimes a mistype can be made which will cause the manifest to be incorrect in some way. In this article, you will learn what appropriate steps are needed to resolve the wrongfully entered manifest for the 3 most common ways that a manifest can be wrongfully entered. 


The three common cases are:

  1. The store imports a manifest that has a manifest item on it that they are not receiving. The supplier transferred the item on their side as well. The manifest HAS NOT been accepted at this point.
    • The store should say they are accepting 0 units on the mistake manifest item.
  2. The store imports a manifest that has a manifest item on it that they are not receiving. The supplier transferred the item on their side as well. The manifest HAS been accepted at this point.
    • Once a manifest is accepted, it is reported as so to CCRS. This means the inventory is technically in the store's possession (as far as the state is concerned), even though the inventory is physically not there. In this case, the inventory likely needs to be transferred back to the vendor via a return manifest.
  3. The store imports a manifest that has a manifest item on it that they are not receiving. The supplier DID NOT actually transfer the item on their side and sent them the wrong import file with the mistake item on it. The manifest HAS been accepted at this point.
    • Once a manifest is accepted, it is reported as so to CCRS. This means the inventory is technically in the store's possession (as far as the state is concerned), even though the inventory is physically not there. In this case, the inventory likely needs to be transferred back to the vendor via a return manifest, or inventory may be manually adjusted down to 0.


Regardless of which use case you are encountering above, it is best practice for you to reach out to your enforcement agent and the vendor to determine the appropriate next steps for correcting the data entry error in a compliant manner.

For additional assistance please reach out to POSaBIT support @ 1 (855) POSaBIT OR SUPPORT@POSaBIT.COM

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