POSaBIT Pay - POS Standalone Onboarding Overview

This document provides an overview of POSaBIT Pay integrated with the POSaBIT POS. Included below is a list of helpful articles to guide you in using POSaBIT Pay effectively.

POSaBIT Pay Basics

​What is POSaBIT Pay?
POSaBIT Pay is a cashless payment option. It allows consumers to pay a merchant directly from their checking account via an ACH transaction, eliminating the need for payment with cash, credit card, or debit card.

POSaBIT Pay Workflows

Other Helpful Articles


How Are Refunds Handled?
Refunds are handled using the Refunds Request Form or with Cash.
How does a customer reset their PIN?
Customers are required to call POSaBIT support and we will help reset the PIN.
What Information is required for signup?
Email, Phone number, Name, Bank account information (all collected via the Plaid signup process).

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