POSaBIT Online Order Fulfillment
Note: This is the second step of the online order process:
- to learn how to accept an online order click HERE
Once you have accepted an order it is time to build out the cart. Below are the steps a budtender would take to build out an online order after it has been accepted.
- Gather the requested products and scan them into the cart. Each product must be scanned to confirm that it is the same product and lot# the customer ordered.
- If a product is unable to be scanned, you can use the product search at the top of the screen to manually add products.
- When the order is ready (you can put the scanned products in a bag and write the customer’s name on the bag), once the order is built press the orange Save Pickup Order button in the top right of the screen.
- After pressing Save Pickup Order you will now see a pop-up containing several options on how the order should be saved. For an online pickup order, make sure to select "Pickup" from the Order Type Drop-down.
- Order Type Drop-down: This drop-down allows you to select if you want to save this order as a Pickup or Store order. For more information on the differences between order types CLICK HERE
- Curbside Flag: This flag will specifically mark an order as curbside. This can be utilized to differentiate between store orders made at a drive-up window versus in your venue.
- Note: This flag will only be displayed if "Curbside orders" are enabled on the Order Settings page within the POSaBIT portal.
- Notes: The notes filed is a freeform text box allowing you to save helpful notes related to each specific order
- After you have selected "Pickup" as the order type as well as added any relevant notes, select one of the buttons at the bottom to save the order to the order pad:
- MARK CART AS NEW: Pressing this button will save the order back to the New column on the order pad. This can be used if you accidentally opened an order and don't want to move it to processing/filled yet.
- SAVE AS PAUSED CART: Pausing a cart will move this order to the middle Processing column on the order pad screen. This means that the customer has not finished building their cart and will most likely want to add more products.
- SAVE AS FILLED CART: Marking a cart as filled will place this order in the far right column on the order pad screen. This means that the customer has selected all products they wish to purchase and everything has been added to the cart.
- Once you click "Save as filled cart", the customer will automatically receive a text, letting them know their order is ready for pickup.
- To learn how to finalize and complete an online order click HERE
Notice: If you try to add a product that was not ordered, a pop-up will ask you to confirm to add it anyways. Additionally, if you remove an item a pop-up warning will have you confirm that you wish to remove the ordered item.