Creating a New Menu Feed (Current WM Customers)


Important Note: You only need to perform the "Initial Product Mapping" if your venue already has a Weedmaps menu setup. If you are new to Weedmaps please click HERE to set up a new Weedmaps Menu


For merchants that are setting up a 2-way integration between POSaBIT and their existing Weedmaps menu, there are 4 steps that should be carefully followed in order to properly integrate the two systems. Below are the major steps that must be completed in order to integrate with Weedmaps:

  1. First, enable the initial Weedmaps integration within POSaBIT. When enabled several new pages will become available within your POSaBIT web portal that are required for the rest of the integration process. If you have not yet performed this step please click HERE to learn how to do so.
  2. Second, copy over your existing Weedmaps product data (descriptions, effects, and images) to your POSaBIT inventory. This is done by manually mapping your Weedmaps and POSaBIT products together using the "Initial Product Mapping" screen. Click HERE to learn how to perform the initial product mapping.
  3. Third, build a new Weedmaps menu feed within POSaBIT. Here you will specify the conditions for which products you want displayed on your Weedmaps menu. The article below walks through exactly how to do this and goes though common setting recommendations when building this new menu feed.
  4. Finally, enable the POSaBIT integration within Weedmaps and publish your new menu feed through POSaBIT. By enabling the POSaBIT integration from Weedmaps, your existing menu will be completely wiped out, this will allow you to fully publish and control your new menu feed directly from the POSaBIT web portal. 
    • NOTE: When enabling the POSaBIT integration within Weedmaps your current menu will be completely wiped out. In order to avoid any data being lost in the process make sure you have mapped all existing Weedmaps products to your POSaBIT inventory using the "Initial Product Mapping" page in step 2.


Follow the steps below to learn how to create a new "Weedmaps" menu feed within your POSaBIT web portal:

  1. Log into the POSaBIT POS Portal
  2. Click on Inventory from the main menu and then select "Menu Feeds".
  3. Select the blue "New Menu Feed" button found in the top right hand corner
  4. Fill out the required fields to create a new feed, including:
    1. Name: Title of menu feed (i.e. "Weedmaps")
    2. Description: Details about the feed (i.e. Weedmaps Feed)
    3. Feed Type: Select "Weedmaps"
    4. Feed Key: This is populated for you 
    5. Products Sorting: Weedmaps will automatically sort and organize your products for you, therefore, please ignore this field
  5. Click "Save"

Now that you have created a new menu feed for Weedmaps, you will need to create "Categories" that are used to determine what products should be displayed on your menu. In addition to determining which products are displayed, menu feed categories also determine how products are grouped together. 

For example, lets say you offer pre-packed Dutch Treat flower at several different weights (1g, 3.5g, 7g...). In order for these products to show up under one product card within your Weedmaps menu, you will need to enable certain settings for that category. Below you will find instructions on how to create a category for all products that can be sold at multiple weights as well as a category for all other individual products.


Note: The instructions below should be used as a general guideline for creating categories. Depending one the products your venue offers as well as how product types were created for your venue, these setting may slightly vary.


First, lets create a category for all product that can be sold in different weights (ex. flower, pre-rolls, and concentrates):

  1. On the New "Weedmaps" menu feed you created, select the blue "New Category" button in the top right hand corner
  2. Fill out the following  
    • Name: Name of menu category
    • Description: This is displayed below the category name on your online menu
    • Display Order: Choose where this category will show up on the page compared to the other categories. 1 will display first, then 2 will display second, and so on.
    • Template Name: Choose whether you want products on your menu to be listed by product name or by the product strain (strain is recommended for naming consistency)
    • Product Types: Select all product types that apply to that category. If you select none, all product types will be displayed.
    • Lineages: Select all lineage types that apply to that category. If you select none, all lineage types will be displayed.
    • Concentration Types: Select all concentrate types that apply to this category. If you select none, all concentration types will be displayed.
    • Product Tags: This can be used if you use tags to group your products and want to create a category of those tagged products (i.e. you could have a menu category called "Featured Products" and tag all products that you'd like to "feature" on your menu)
    • Quantity More Than: This is the minimum number of units on hand that determines if the product appears on the online menu or not. Once the on-hand quantity for any given product reaches this number the product will automatically be removed from the menu. This is to prevent the store from selling something online that they ran out of because it was first sold to someone else in-store.
    • Combine weights?:  Ensure this field is enabled for this category. As described above this setting is used to combine weight variants of common strains, so that all of the available weights are displayed under one product card (i.e. Golden Pineapple 1g, 3.5g, 7g)
  3. Click "Save"


After you press "save" you will see a list of products populate on the right hand side of the screen. This list is made up of all products that meet the criteria you previously set. If any of these products are highlighted yellow that means they are missing a strain or brand. Strains and brands are essential when grouping products together, so it is highly recommended that you resolve this missing data. Click HERE to learn how to easily identify and fix this issue.


Now that you have created a category for all product that come in multiple weights, you will want to create a similar category for the remaining individual products.

  1. On the New "Weedmaps" menu feed you created, select the blue "New Category" button in the top right hand corner
  2. Fill out the following  
    • Name: Name the category "All Individual Products"
    • Description: (Internal) Give your category a brief description of the products it contains. For example, "All individual products that are only offered in one weight / type".
    • Template Name: Set this "NAME"
    • Product Types: Select all product types that contain induvial products or don't have any strain data. Commonly, these product types are tinctures, edibles, drinkables, paraphernalia, topicals etc.
    • Flower Types: Leave this field blank for the Weedmaps integration
    • Product Tags: Leave this setting blank unless you have created a specific product tag that will be used to limit what products should be shown on your Weedmaps menu.
    • Minimum on Hand: This is the minimum number of units on hand that determines if the product appears on the online menu or not. Once the on hand quantity for any given product reaches this number the product will automatically be removed from the menu. This is to prevent the store from selling something online that they ran out of because it was first sold to someone else in-store.
    • Combine weights?:  Ensure this field is disabled for this category. 
  3. Click "Save"


Now that you have created a menu feed containing categories for all products you would like to publish to Weedmaps, you are almost done with your POSaBIT / Weedmaps integration. Lastly, you will need to enable the POSaBIT integration within Weedmaps as well as publish your new menu feed through POSaBIT. Learn how to complete the final steps in your Weedmaps integration HERE.


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