All Categories > POS > Discounts
Currently, the order rounding setting is under discounts and will allow orders to be an exact dollar amount instead of dealing with small amounts of change. This will help make your cash transactions…
Updated 4 months ago
POSaBIT strives to make our system as customizable as possible, giving you the freedom to manage every aspect of your business. Discount stacking is a perfect example of a way you can customize how y…
To avoid giving customers too large of a discount, we built in a few safeguards. One of which is a preset discount limit that will block the purchase from going through if over a certain amount. This…
In the October POS Server update, we introduced merchant-level discounts, accompanied by additional tools designed to simplify the process of transitioning from venue-level discounts to merchant-leve…
Discounts allow you to create promotional sales in order to up sell different brands, product types, customers groups, etc. All discounts are centered around either offering a % or $ amount off of a…
Updated 3 months ago
Discounts are an effective way to immediately increase sales while also attracting new customers to your venue. However, the type of discount plays a vital role in the effectiveness of each promotion…
There are two types of discounts that can be applied to the cart from the point of sale - item and order-level discounts. Both types of discounts can be configured in a handful of ways with various p…
Discounts are important in building a great experience for your customers. To bring a greater experience to you when creating discounts, we have created merchant-level discounts to save time and make…
When setting up a new reward, you can pick between three types of discounts. The first two are a specific $ or % off the order. However, the third is a fixed price which can be a bit more complicated…
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