Metrc Migration Overview

Metrc is a seed-to-sale software that helps track cannabis products from when they are planted all the way until they are sold to a customer via a retail store. Metrc is used in many states as the main method in which states are able to track the sale of cannabis products. 


What does Metrc do:

Think of Metrc as your way to communicate all of your cannabis sales to your state. Therefore, in order to accurately report all sales and stay compliant with state regulations, Metrc needs to track exactly where cannabis products come from, certain details around each cannabis product, as well as when each cannabis product is sold. In order for Metrc to be able to track all of this information they use "package tags" that are generated by Metrc. These package tags are then assigned to each product and used to accurately track them until they are sold at a retail store.


How do you migrate existing inventory into Metrc?

Now that your state is using Metrc, your venue will be required to report all inventory transfer as well as sales to Metrc. However, before you can start reporting sales you first need to tell Metrc what inventory you already have in your venue. In addition to telling Metrc what products you have, you will also need to assign each product to a unique package tag so that Metrc can identify what products are being transferred or sold


Below are the required steps you must follow in order to match up your Metrc and POSaBIT systems:

  1. Order Package tags
    • Package tags are unique tags that Metrc will assign you so that they are able to accurately track your inventory. Learn how to order package tags HERE
  2. Accept Package tags in Metrc
    • When you receive your tags, you will need to log in to Metrc and accept the tags. Learn how to accept your package tags HERE
  3. Send Package tags to POSaBIT
    • After you have received your tags, download and send POSaBIT the newly accepted tags so they can be used within the POSaBIT generated spreadsheet in step #4
  4. Receive Product Spreadsheet from POSaBIT
    • In order to help you with the following steps, your POSaBIT account manager will provide you with a custom spreadsheet containing all data that will be required in steps 5 -> 8.

      Before you begin steps 5-8, ensure you have scheduled enough time after store hours to complete these steps and ensure you communicate to POSaBIT when you will be entering your external transfers into Metrc. POSaBIT suggests completing steps 5-8 all in one sitting. However, if you need to split this work up over a series of days, then steps 5-7 can be done at any time. But Step 8 MUST be done in one sitting and it is very important you communicate to POSaBIT when this is happening so we can provide you with a file export of your latest inventory quantities. Additionally, this will help ensure your POSaBIT portal gets updated to reflect your new package tags simultaneously.
  5. Manually Create Strains in Metrc
    • Before syncing up your inventory with Metrc, you will first have to provide certain information so that Metrc is able to create your inventory packages. First, you will need to enter in all cannabis strains that are being used in your venue. Learn how to manually enter strains into Metrc HERE
  6. Manually Create Items (Products) in Metrc
    • In addition to creating the strains before matching the inventory, you will also need to enter all product names into Metrc. Learn how to manually enter items (products) into Metrc HERE

  7. Manually Create Locations in Metrc
    • The final thing you will need to enter into Metrc before you sync your inventory is locations (rooms). Learn how to manually create locations in Metrc HERE
  8. Perform External Inventory Transfer to Sync Inventory Quantities
    • Once you have entered all the required information stated above into Metrc you can perform an external inventory transfer. This transfer will allow you to designate a quantity and strain to each item (product) within Metrc, as well as, associate each product with a Metrc package tag. To learn how to perform an external inventory transfer in Metrc click HERE
    • Be sure to let your POSaBIT know when you plan on performing step 8, so we can provide you with a file export of your latest inventory quantities as well as ensure your POSaBIT portal gets updated to reflect your new package tags simultaneously.
  9. Update Package Tags in POSaBIT system
    • Now that your products have been given new package tags within Metrc, your POSaBIT system will need to be updated so that the package tags are matching. In order to update your POSaBIT account, please let your POSaBIT account manager know that you have completed your external inventory transfer and they will update your package tags automatically


Congratulations, your venue how now been fully set up with Metrc. If you have any additional questions please contact your POSaBIT account manager or reach out to


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