All Categories > PAYMENTS > Backend Portal Reporting
The Deposit Reconciliation Report report is an extremely useful tool to help you reconcile transaction and fee details against your bank payouts - ultimately helping you check off that you have been…
Updated 5 months ago
Within POSaBITs backend reporting portal, there are a variety of tip reports to help make it simple when it comes to tip disbursement amongst employees. Some stores pool tips, while others may payout…
The discrepancy report gives an overview of every discrepancy that will affect your payment deposits. A running balance also provides insight into how POSaBIT is tracking different discrepancies to e…
The "Daily POS Reconciliation Report" provides an in-depth insight into the settlement status of transactions on a day by day basis. Within the report each day is broken up depending on the settlemen…
The terminal report provides a live status view of all active terminals in use at the store level. This gives you insight into when terminals are last batched out, as well as the last batch number re…
The Adjustments History report can be referenced to surface any adjustments that POSaBIT makes to the store's merchant payout. If there is an adjustment made to a merchant's ACH deposit, then this re…
A list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found at the end of this article. Monthly Statement Overview. Business & Contact Information General business information identifying your venue including…
Not only does the POSaBIT portal capture detailed transaction level reports, but it also provides insight into which customers use their card at your store. Check out the Customer report to view life…
To get a simple snapshot of sales by employee, run the Employee Sales report to get a breakdown of total sales, tips, and change given out by employee. By using the date and time selection options, t…
The Batch Summary report gives you a high-level view of every settled batch. Using this report, you can compare batch details against any shift or till details you may be tracking on your point of sa…
The daily summary report is a great tool to view high level transaction volumes and sales totals by day. This report also breaks out transactional fees and will provide the actual net amount owed to…
The Statements page allows you to easily pull your venue's debit statement for each month directly from the POSaBIT portal. This statement helps to break down exactly what you received for each depos…
The POSaBIT Payments portal is a great resource when it comes to end of day reconciliation. Within the portal, you'll find a handful of detailed transaction reports that provide information such as:…
The purchase history reports provide the most detail when it comes to information for a specific transaction. Run this report to find the following information for any given transaction: Total Amount…
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